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Training lobby for deathmatch
A Lobby to have custom battle to other player without losing mmr. For example as a newbie they can practice basics like drifting , cannon range in deathmatch , fast switching ,repositioning of ship and many more. Newbies can practice anytime without waiting for deathmatch time and avoiding easy mmr ...
Ship rental pricing
Tie the minimum rental cost of a ship to a ship’s present market value. At 0.1 eth and eth at $3000 (as an example) a ship is worth $300. $3 in nuggies is 30000 nuggies, which is 1% of the ship’s value. Rental pricing would adjust periodically based on the system that was already developed for staki...
Adjustable cannons for the captain
For the captain, adjustment to the cannons sideways and up and down.
Boost damage from sailors' cannons
Under Review
Currently captains prefer to play solo and kick the sailors most of the time. We need to add a benefit for captains who accept sailors on their boats like boost damage / shield / faster repair / new weapons / other bonus ?
Captain's Scripted Call Out's
Added to Backlog
add scripted call outs that the captain can give to the crew if there’s a need on the ship that isn’t being addressed. These call out would be selected by the captains without them having to type in the actual info to save time. Also the call out would be translated to whichever language the individ...
Ram doesnt count as kill on pvp matches
Please make ramming count as a kill in PvP matches because technically any method of dealing damage and sinking ships counts as your kill.
PVP players quitting ban
Please implement a feature that automatically restricts players from playing for approximately 15 minutes if they quit PvP matches.
Feature Requests
emotes feature
we should add emotes or any other fun feature in the game for the players to communicate or like to engage with team-mates in game
Grafics in game
Because in your photos the characters are very beautiful and well designed, and in the game it looks like the doll was made in Paint. Why not make something beautiful and attractive to play with?
5 Ideas to be more fun the game :)
No. 1 We need a damage indicator. Many times I don’t know I hit somebody or not. The best if we see hit points when hit somebody. No. 2 Fast ping can be useful. There is a Chest. I need ammo(or 3 canon ball left, I need refill), use shild, we retreat etc…! No. 3 When the mast is hit, the ship should...
Social system
hi, I think you could implement a social system, like adding friends in game and being able to invite them to your boat or crew that you liked and want to invite to play with you
balance,crew's future and risks that utilize the system
Restore the game system to accommodate 3-4 crew members. This adjustment will introduce diversity and variety into the gameplay, while also preventing crews from consistently overcrowding specific captains, as seen with ship A, Interested in full crew, like ship B, with only 2-3 crew members due to...
Practice area for ship battles
Can we have a practice area for ship battles so we can train more captains? It’s not really new player friendly to try being a captain and lose 10k nuggies if you’re new. Fresh spawn captain vs a veteran. It will make the new captains stay away from being one. Paying for rents per ship is not an iss...
The sea should originally be wide.
It may be a personal feeling, but I feel like the battles, chases, and captains’ pirate ships disappeared once the seas were closed. There was fun running away and there was fun chasing down obnoxious pirates, but I feel like that fun has disappeared. Why has the ocean become the size of a pea? / Ar...