Feature Requests
Suggest any features or changes you'd like to see!
Add new(old) quest
Swim on the map with bots and collecting only dubloons, doubloons and more doubloons is incredibly boring!!! Easy solution this problem - add more varied quests, new or old
✊ PvE rogue-lite gauntlet mode
In Progress
Add a purely PvE mode where teams run through a gauntlet of NPC attackers and try to survive for as long as they can
Ship rental pricing
Tie the minimum rental cost of a ship to a ship’s present market value. At 0.1 eth and eth at $3000 (as an example) a ship is worth $300. $3 in nuggies is 30000 nuggies, which is 1% of the ship’s value. Rental pricing would adjust periodically based on the system that was already developed for staki...